员工援助计划(EAP): 员工援助计划(EAP)提供免费和保密的评估, 短期咨询, referrals, prevention, 以及为您和您的家属提供教育服务. 该福利是通过EAP服务提供的.  训练有素的咨询师全天候为您服务, 一年365天,帮助你和你的家属应对生活中的压力源,让你过上幸福的生活, 生产生活方式.




  • 压力,紧张,焦虑
  • 抑郁,悲伤
  • 愤怒管理
  • 婚姻/家庭问题
  • 工作的困难
  • 法律/金融问题
  • 健康和保健问题
  • 创伤恢复
  • 药物滥用


有关此福利的更多信息,请登录员工内部网并查看 员工援助计划页面


亚利桑那州退休制度(ASRS): ASRS是一个固定收益计划. 除了在退休时支付养老金, ASRS还为退休人员提供团体医疗和牙科计划的参与. 根据州立法,雇员的供款和雇主的匹配度每年都有所不同. 有关ASRS的更多资料,请浏览  ASRS website.


长期残疾: This program provides you with a monthly benefit designed to partially replace income lost during periods of total disability resulting from a covered injury, 生病或怀孕. 它是你退休计划ORP或ASRS下的一项福利. 长期残疾在残疾六个月后才生效.


自愿短期残疾: 自愿短期残疾保险可供购买,以使符合条件的员工受益. This plan provides coverage for employees who are disabled after the first week of disability and until the sixth month of disability.


NAPEBT: 威尼斯安卓版是北亚利桑那雇员公益信托(NAPEBT)的一部分。. Medical, Dental, Vision and Flexible Benefits are provided through the trust allowing CCC to take advantage of the lower rates associated with greater numbers of employees. NAPEBT网站, www.napebtbenefits.com 网站上有关于我们所有计划的更多信息,以及注册表格和其他文书工作. 其他信托成员包括科科尼诺县, Flagstaff联合学区, 弗拉格斯塔夫市, 旗杆房屋委员会, 科科尼诺县住宿学校和NAIPTA.


医疗保险: CCC pays your monthly High Deductible Health Plan insurance premiums for the employee only and offers a Cafeteria Plan to allow employees to choose from a variety of benefits on an annual basis. 员工被分配一笔特定的钱用于福利. 未申请的分配额可作为应纳税所得额收取. 超过分配额的任何选举都被视为工资扣减. 如果你有一个符合条件的生活事件的变化,如婚姻,请通知人力资源部, divorce, 孩子的出生或收养, 家庭参加其他团体健康计划资格的变化和家庭就业状况的变化. 此类事件变更可能允许您有30天的开放注册时间来修改您现有的保险范围. Otherwise, 每年4月为下一个财政年度(7月1日至6月30日)提供开放注册。.


如果你把雇佣和CCC分开, 你可以保留你目前的健康保险长达18个月, 根据《99499威尼斯安卓版下载》(COBRA). 但是,您必须支付学院和员工每月保费的份额.


Plan &
Monthly Rate CCC的贡献 EE Cost
W/ 1级在制品
Buy-Up Plan
Employee $877.78 $700.50 $177.26 $157.26
EE +1 $1,700.54 $808.90 $891.64 $871.64
EE + Family $2,355.38 $1,043.84 $1,311.54 $1,291.54
Base Plan
Employee $774.98 $700.52 $74.46 $54.46
EE + 1 $1498.98 $808.90 $690.08 $670.08
EE + Family $2,075.16 $1,034.84 $1,031.32 $1,011.32
Employee $681.16 $681.16 $0 (1) $0 (2)
EE + 1 $1,314.54 $789.54 $525.00 (1) $525.00(2)
EE + Family $1,818.58 $1,024.48 $794.10 (1) $794.10 (2)


薇拉整体健康: Vera Whole Health是一家独立的初级保健诊所.  It is a new, 员工可享受的额外福利, spouses, 北亚利桑那公共雇员福利信托基金(NAPEBT)的家属(3岁及以上).  信托基金包括弗拉格斯塔夫市, Coconino县, 威尼斯安卓版, 科科尼诺住宿学区, Flagstaff联合学区, 以及北亚利桑那政府间公共交通管理局. 有关这项福利的更多资料,请浏览:  http://patients.verawholehealth.com/vwh/napebt/


健康激励计划: You can earn a discount on your health insurance premium by participating in the Wellness Incentive Program each year. 点击这里查看详情: www.napebt.org


视觉保险: 学院通过以下途径提供视力覆盖  VSP . 公司为员工提供每年一次的眼科检查,共付15美元. 员工有机会选择“购买”计划,为镜片和镜框提供额外的保险. 员工还可以购买家庭基本计划和“Buy Up”计划.


Buy-up Plan 每月的保费
Employee $7.18
员工+家庭 $16.02
Base Plan 每月的保费
Employee $0.78
员工+家庭 $1.80


牙科保险: 学院提供  Delta Dental  为所有全职教职员工提供保险. 员工每月全额支付个人和家庭保险费. 如果你有一个符合条件的生活事件的变化,如婚姻,请通知人力资源部, divorce, 孩子的出生或收养, 家庭参加其他团体健康计划资格的变化和家庭就业状况的变化. 此类事件变更可能允许您有30天的开放注册时间来修改您现有的保险范围. Otherwise, 每年4月为下一个财政年度(7月1日至6月30日)提供开放注册。.

如果你把雇佣和CCC分开, 您可以保留您目前的牙科保险长达18个月, 根据《99499威尼斯安卓版下载》(COBRA). 但是,您必须支付学院和员工每月保费的份额.


Employee $48.30
员工+家庭 $140.86
Employee $38.40
员工+家庭 $111.54

人寿保险: 学院通过明尼苏达人寿支付你100%的个人保险. Your life insurance plan offers your survivor beneficiary two times your annual salary rounded up to the next thousand dollar amount with a maximum survivor benefit of $250,000. 员工可通过明尼苏达州自愿人寿计划购买额外的人寿保险.



学院支付100%的家属保险. Your lawful spouse; natural-born or legally adopted child; your stepchild who is living in your home and is chiefly dependent on you for support; and a foster child are eligible for dependent insurance. 如果受保人在本计划投保期间死亡, the amount of life insurance paid in accordance with the following table based on a dependent’s age at the time of death:

  • 配偶,任何年龄:2000美元
  • 孩子,活产到26岁:1000美元


Additional dependent life insurance through a Minnesota Life Voluntary Plan is also available for employee purchase.


失业保险: Your unemployment insurance program provides a measure of economic security to you when unemployment beyond your control occurs. 为符合此保险资格而支付的福利费用由CCC资助.


意外死亡 & 解体: 学院支付你100%的广告费&D policy. AD&D与基本定期寿险金额相匹配. 更详细的信息可通过明尼苏达人寿获得.


Workers Compensation: Worker’s compensation insurance and Leave is provided to you in the event you endure a work-related illness or injury. 这项保险将赔偿损失的工资和适当的休养时间.


社会保障: 你的社会保障福利, 其中包括残疾和遗属收入以及医疗保险福利, 由您的捐款组成,并与CCC相匹配.



All benefit eligible employees working 1560 hours (or ¾ time or more) in a fiscal year are eligible to earn Vacation and Sick leave. Eligible employees working less than 2080 (full-time) hours per year will earn Vacation and Sick leave on a pro-rated basis. 无薪休假期间不享有假期和病假


Accrual: 符合条件的工作人员病假和假期按下表计算. 根据FTE按比例分配.



Admin. & Professional
























1学时= 1.7小时病假


鼓励员工利用每个财政年度的假期来促进健康的工作环境. 未使用的休假时间可以保留到每年的6月30日以后. 根据政策规定,个人结转假期不得超过2天.74倍的最高累积一年或512小时. 


任何未使用的病假都可以计入兼职员工的新财政年度, 最长结转时间是40小时,全职员工, 最长可保留80个小时. 全职教师,所有未使用的病假将带入新的财政年度. 


丧亲离开: Bereavement leave provides 3 days (in state) or 5 days (out of state) paid time off in the event of a death in the immediate family. Your supervisor may approve an additional 3 days with pay that is charged to your PTO (or sick leave for faculty) balance.


紧急离开: 由总统发起, 紧急休假是为了在中心因自然灾害关闭的情况下支付员工正常工资, 恶劣天气或其他可能限制或危及员工安全的原因.


Jury Duty: 雇员们将被释放,按正常工资承担陪审员义务. The College reserves the right to request that the employee be dismissed from jury duty should the employees absence pose any undue hardship on the College.


假期离开: CCC承认每个日历年有21个假期,员工在这些假期中获得正常工资.


家庭离开: 根据《99499威尼斯安卓版下载》的规定, eligible employees are entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave annually for the birth or placement of a child, 或者是为了照顾孩子, spouse’s, 父母或雇员自身的严重健康状况. 为了获得资格, 员工必须在CCC工作至少一年, 在提出申请前12个月内工作不少于1250小时. 如欲申请FMLA,请填写 FMLA Form . 另外,请使用以下链接查看 CCC的FMLA政策 . 如有任何问题,请联系人力资源部.


灵活的支出: 全职员工可以选择参加一个灵活的消费计划  Heath Equity . 这项福利允许雇员支付未报销的医疗费用, dental, 正畸和视力费用和符合条件的家属护理费用税前美元.


HSA: Benefit eligible employees who elect the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) from Blue Cross Blue Shield are eligible to participate in a Health Savings Account. 这项福利允许雇员在税前留出资金用于未报销的医疗费用, dental, 正畸和视力费用或退休. 不像弹性支出计划, 该福利每年滚动,并在员工终止与CCC的雇佣关系时转移.


递延补偿计划: CCC offers 403B and 457B programs to allow you to invest a portion of your salary until you retire or separate from employment. 在您退休或与CCC分离时收到其价值之前,您不需要纳税. 有关此福利的更多信息,请访问 TSA page .


CCC课程学费报销: Full-Time Faculty and Staff who are assigned 30 hours or more are eligible for 15 credit hours per semester that may be shared between themselves or a dependent for reimbursement of 100% tuition. 兼职员工每学期可获得7个学分,可由自己或家属使用. 兼职教师将根据该学期教授的学分数获得学分. Reimbursement of standard tuition is conditional on a final grade of A or B or C (or equivalent) and a pass in a designated pass/fail class.  Reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disability Act and Amendment Act may be made with consultation of the Director of 人力资源 and the 残疾的资源 Coordinator. 员工出勤时间必须提前安排,并经主管批准.


学费报销: CCC鼓励您通过继续教育追求专业发展. 这项福利允许符合条件的雇员获得最高333美元的报销.00 /学时, for a maximum of 9 hours per fiscal year conditional on a final grade of A or B (or equivalent) with an annual value of $1,000.   


可能的学生贷款减免: 公共服务 贷款宽恕 (PSLF) Program forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans after you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 贷款减免学生援助网站.


我的宠物保护: 你关心你的宠物,把它们当作你的家人. So whether your family includes kids with two feet or kids with four paws—or both—you know what responsibility looks like. 所以,为什么不给你的宠物最好的医疗保健呢?


The My Pet Protection suite of pet insurance plans is composed of the only plans specifically designed for employees and gives you superior protection at an unbeatable price, featuring:


  • 九成的兽医账单
  • 排他性——不对公众开放
  • 一个固定的价格,不管宠物的年龄
  • 最划算的交易:比其他宠物保险公司的类似计划平均节省40%
  • 一个健康计划选项,包括绝育、预防性洗牙等等


LegalShield & IDSheild: 


LegalShield: LegalShield gives you the ability to talk to an attorney on any matter without having to worry about high hourly costs; the service includes expanded coverage for family law, 移动交通违规, 将准备, 24/7紧急支援, 还有更多. The plan covers dependents up to the age of 26 and includes simple and quick smart phone access to all services!


IDShield: IDShield让您放心,我们随时支持您,随时监控您的信息.  IDShield监控您身份的基本领域,包括:个人和财务信息, 驾照, Passport, SSN, 发薪日贷款, 更改地址, Social Media, 还有更多!  最重要的是, 当你成为受害者时,我们提供有执照的专业人士来恢复你的好名声.  我们为年龄在26岁以下的家属提供预先存在的问题和康复服务. 您还可以通过智能手机简单快捷地访问所有服务和24/7紧急支持.



家庭和汽车保险: Liberty Mutual insurance offers protection that lets your employees live their lives and concentrate on what matters most. We believe your employees deserve more than just basic coverage; that's why we provide additional benefits including:




  • 事故宽恕
  • 新车更换
  • 无限租金保障
  • 多政策优惠
  • 终身维修保证
  • 利宝互助免赔基金
  • 无限租金保障
  • 24小时路边援助
  • 更好的汽车更换
  • 汽车挡风玻璃维修
  • 12个月保单




  • 损失宽恕
  • 12个月保单
  • 多政策优惠
  • 24小时紧急维修服务
  • 个人财产置换




  • 租房者保险
  • 个人责任保障/保护伞
  • 摩托车保险
  • 公寓保险


除了个人汽车和房主, Liberty Mutual Group will make our full line of personal insurance products and services available to your employees, including, 季节性及出租物业.